Known for its rapid and constant development, Abuja the capital city of Nigeria suddenly became the limelight and a dream destination for tourists and immigrants.
more about Abuja read here >
Being the capital city, Abuja is filled with numerous gigantic buildings. Every day, mega infrastructures are propping up in various locations. Abuja is partially secured because it is the capital city; so for foreigners, this is good news, though every city has its own security challenges.
Also Read> 149 best places to stay in Abuja
With the rapidly growing population, Abuja manages to feed its inhabitants and has job creations and empowerment initiatives.
This beautiful and ever rising city is blessed with large landscape! Still, many buildings stand void with no occupants. For hikers, Abuja is filled with beautiful mountains and rocks and remains a dream destination. Thanks to its strategic location!
Recently, there have been some strange happenings in the city. Abuja has gotten some new and unwanted visitors running in thousands!
The cows! Yes, the cows. Have you seen them?
I doubt if you haven’t! Probably, you are not currently in the city. Just yesterday, I saw hundreds of cows perambulating the street from one end to another.
The herdsman, a young man roughly in his teen years stood by the corner of the road. Across his shoulder was a long cane; he watched as the young bulls played around the freeway leaving behind them, dozens of feces.
I watched closely as motorists and passersby tried fruitlessly to navigate their way across the hundreds of unwanted strangers.
On the scene, a man stood an inch away from his vehicle with all indications, he was exhausted!
Accompanied was a belle who watched, completely speechless. Behind me, a young pot bellied fellow also watched quietly.
“Abuja, the city of cows” I whispered to myself.
Four days ago, I heard on the radio how some cows in their hundreds grazed their ways into a school premises, hereby chasing everyone out of it. A similar incident had happened some weeks back as reported in the news.
What could be responsible for this? Below are the things you need to know.
Most times, blames are thrown at the government. If things aren’t in accordance with the expectations of the people, they’d put the blames on the government.
But what the people do not know is that they, themselves are the government. For Christ’s sake, we operate a democratic government. The people therefore must take responsibility.
Abuja Indigenes are not co-operative. The rich seclude themselves into a tiny corner of the city. They live in fenced houses and drive expensive cars! They forget about social responsibilities and concentrate on competitions.
Lawlessness and Disorder:
The indigenes of Abuja are no doubt, law abiding people. They would do anything to remain on top and protect their images. But, every day there are outlaws who are doing things in their own ways. They do whatever they want and often get away with it. The laws are broken in pieces and because offenders are not always held responsible, more laws are therefore broken.
By: Alexandre wisdom
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