The wish of a young star

I could but attain all my wish
I’d have each day, one wholesome dish
A glass of port with good old beer
Some few friends and a beautiful girls 
That truly cares
A little garden in some clean town,
tobacco, pips, and sigaret so I won’t be 
feeling down.
To keep content and peace a brace through
The neighboring poor should freely share
Whatever I could afford to spare
To own not only a house but 10 

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Maybe with wooden doors but iron gates
With such houses, whence comes any regret
I would envy not the worldly great
My son’s and daughter wholly bless
Let the people near and dear afar try 
In vain
let them seek worldly praise filled with pains
But unnoticely I would live and die
For such life is hard to try 
But such a life, I’ll wish to live. 
But since fortune has not thought 
Fit to place me in such affluence,
Estate, beautiful girl, iron gate, and a
big garden
Each virtue to attain, I will try
And from each day struggles and hustle
I will fly

Source: >Eyes of African God
By: >Alexandre wisdom


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